
I hope you are encouraged by this blog... as the Lord leads me so I will write. Trials of life... joys of knowing our Father.

Its hard to be clay... that is why it is so important that we grow in our trust of Him whose hands we are in. It hurts to be shaped and molded... it does. But God is still God and He is still to be trusted.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

God's promise and my anger collide

So, I don't know if there is anyone else out there that has read just the right scripture at the right time that ministered so completely to the spirit's need.  A fresh passage. God's word spoken right to His beloved child. This was s how it was with me yesterday morning.

"And the Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail."
Isaiah 58:11

Wow.  If only you knew how desperately my weary spirit needed to hear that.

However... to fully experience God's rest, I had to surrender what was keeping me from it.
Anger. Disappointment. Bitterness even.  I had let those emotions master me for a time.  I had to consciously choose  to surrender all of that over to God and let forgiveness take its place. Where there once was overwhelmingly intensity... now there is peace.

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