
I hope you are encouraged by this blog... as the Lord leads me so I will write. Trials of life... joys of knowing our Father.

Its hard to be clay... that is why it is so important that we grow in our trust of Him whose hands we are in. It hurts to be shaped and molded... it does. But God is still God and He is still to be trusted.

Monday, December 27, 2010


My dad asked me this morning if I feel like I'm drowning.  I answered, "Sometimes."  Sometimes has been the norm recently. 

I've been writing this blog as an encouragement to those who are trying to make sense of their trials... now I am need of encouragement.  While I know that I can trust the Potter... the pain is still deep.  I thought of the question that is sometimes asked, "Is God enough, if He is all I have?"  God IS enough, but not if I am not experiencing His love and presence... and this is my own fault.  I am so overwhelmed by my dismal future, I am not reaching out to take His hand and His peace that He wants to provide. 

I am letting myself drown. 

I need help from my brothers and SISTERS to find the strength and the will to reach out to Jesus instead of focusing on the storm as the waves surround me.  I need to focus back on Him, but I'm so engulfed by circumstances that I need HELP to get above water. 


  1. Hey Sadie,
    I am sad to hear how depressed you are. Use my life as hope. I remember a time when my looking toward the future made me cry because I didn't see how God could possibly make something beautiful out of the mess I saw. But guess what? Things are so much better now!
    Don't give up!
    With God All things are possible. -Matthew 19:16b
    Love you!
    P.s.-explain your text to me when you get a chance, k?

  2. "For I know the plans I have for YOU, Sadie, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you HOPE and a FUTURE!"

    Love always and forever,

